Colvic 34 ketch
This Colvic came to us after it had a collision resulting in damage to pul and push pit, toerail and bow sprit along with some gel repairs on the topsides.
As you will see we had to remove both the pull and pushpit, as they were badly damaged, we sent this to our fabrication contractors so new ones could be fabricated.
In the meantime we set to work on the wood work required. First was the toe rail, we removed the top capping section of wood and the side rubbing strake, this was milled up ready to fit new and remount. we then filled the damage section with epoxy cut the teak to size and fitted to the boat securing with new screws and doweled all. We then sanded this section to finish.
We then started on the bowsprit damage, once we removed the pulpit, windlass and cabling for lights etc from deck we moved the forstay fitting from fixing point, we removed the bow spirit from boat and all relevant plates fixing etc. This landing area was then cleaned up ready for new wood work. We supplied the hard wood for the new bowsprit and fascia plates. Both were milled up and all glued together, then sanded and prepped for fitting. Both were fitted and secured in place. We then refitted the forstay fitting and cleaned up the working area.